Tuesday, September 11, 2012

GoDaddy Site Crashes

GoDaddy's website crashed yesterday. So how does this affect me? Why is this on a safety blog? Is this even news?

Well it affected me. I could not do any work, development, or updates on any of my websites yesterday. As I stated in previous posts, as a safety person our jobs are becoming more intertwined with technology. What if you had your MSDS catalog web based and there was a fire last night at your plant?

If the fire department could not access the MSDS catalog online do you have a hard copy back up? Was it in the office in the building on fire? What about your procedure for accident reporting, was that only online too? So what does the night supervisor do no that he can't access the web site.

Whether you maintain the web site, have access to it, or have someone else do it, you need to ensure redundancy.

This is news because GoDaddy has thousands if not millions of web sites hosted for small and medium sized businesses. GoDaddy is also the choice for newbies because of their excellent customer service, their variety of tools, and ease of use. They were my first hosting provider and I still use them.

There are other hosting sites that more seasoned IT professionals prefer, but I am a Risk Manager, a safety person who happens to know enough about web development to be dangerous. I am in a small business. I am GoDaddy's target demographic.

GoDaddy has confirmed that its DNS problems yesterday, which caused thousands of websites to go down for most of the day, are now finished. And while an alleged member of the hacktivist group Anonymous was claiming responsibility for the situation yesterday, GoDaddy says that it wasn’t an external network attack that caused it: it was “a series of internal network events that corrupted router data tables.”

Someone (allegedly) from Anonymous posted a Tweet claiming responsibility. Later another person (allegedly) from Anonymous posted a Tweet saying that Anonymous did not do it.

Note: GoDaddy has been a target of Anonymous for supporting SOPA (see here). legislation. GoDaddy has since withdrawn support of SOPA.

1 comment:

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